Painting in process, acrylic on canvas, Marcia Carole

While juggling meetings, walking, planning, praying, getting a visa for India(hours and hours of work) and trying to eat well to keep fighting the cancer, I have been working on a painting that represents the colors and the dancing I saw in Cameroon. I am hoping to carve out time this afternoon for more painting. The chance of sunshine is good, so I may take this huge, and hopefully colorful, canvas outside!

……….as the day has continued, I ended up discovering an organic farm, and I decided to have a late lunch there. While loafing about on the farm, I met one of the owners, and was given an invite to walk the farm, paint en plein air if I’d like, and watch for squash blossoms for an amazing Italian sauce for pasta. I was practically floating while sipping a sparkling apple cider vinegar beverage along with a delicious swiss chard salad – the chard had been sautéed before it was mixed with hazelnuts and a lovely vinaigrette.

Lovely veggies everywhere at 21 Acres Farm.

Now, back to my painting!

You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy – Psalm 30:11


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